Our campaign is for Yalies from every school and generation. Read what some of our supporters have to say about our campaign.
Want to be listed as a supporter? Email your headshot, quote, title, and Yale affiliation to team@yaleforward.org!
Gus Speth
Former Dean, Yale Forestry & Environmental Studies
College '64, YLS '69
"Democratic reforms and social justice are key to fighting the environmental crisis. Yale Forward will push Yale to lead on all three fronts. Please join me in petitioning to elect Maggie to the Corporation."
Yale Endowment Justice Coalition
Bharat Ramamurti
Former Senior Counsel for Banking & Economic Policy, Senator Warren
YLS '07
"As a University, we must use all our leverage to lead the global effort to combat climate change, and Yale Forward will push Yale to do exactly that."
Divest Ed
Tom Steyer
Former Investor, Climate Activist
Chief Economic Adviser to Governor Newsom's Business and Jobs Recovery Task Force
College '79
"It's critical that we address the climate crisis at all levels of government and our society, including institutions of higher education. That's why I'm committed to helping Maggie move Yale Forward."
Yale College Democrats
Alexandra Bauman
Vice President, Yale College Democrats
College '21
"We need a representative on the Yale Board of Trustees who will hold the university accountable, as well as represent the interests of young people faced with a future of uncertainty due to climate change."
Dr. Wai Chee Dimock
William Lampson Professor of English & American Studies, Yale University
GSAS '82
"A world-class university needs a healthy planet. It's not a moment too soon for Yale to act, and to make carbon neutrality by 2030 the shared norm for higher education."
Jook Songs
Yale Asian-American Spoken Word Group
Stephen Stearns
Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University
College '67
“Maggie is focused on the significant crises of our time. Electing her to the Yale Corporation will push
the university to seek solutions to major national and global problems.”
Dr. Laura Alex Frye-Levine
Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
FES '08
"In the near future, we will judge the moral character of our institutions by the swiftness, courage and sincerity with which they undertook actions for climate justice."
Robert Dubrow
Professor of Epidemiology (Environmental Health Sciences), Yale School of Public Health
Faculty Director, Yale Center on Climate Change and Health
M.A.H. '14
"I support Yale Forward and its platform because Yale, as a premier university, has a responsibility to be at the forefront of the urgent struggles for climate action, social justice, and democracy."
Brian Reyes
Co-President, Yale Dominican Students Association
College '21
"Yale has the potential to seriously push the nation forward on the climate crisis, and Maggie Thomas would help us do just that."
Carolyn Sacco
Co-coordinator, Yale Students for Prison Divestment
College '21
"Yale Students for Prison Divestment supports Yale Forward in its efforts to ensure moral decision making at the highest levels of the university, leading to greater environmental and racial justice."
Ellen Qian
Undergraduate Genomics Researcher, Gerstein Lab
College '23
"I strongly support the efforts of Yale Forward in pushing for moral leadership as Yale responds to the important ethical challenges facing our world."
Steve Winter
Alder for Ward 21, City of New Haven
"Let's put a climate champion on Yale's Board! Electing Maggie will ensure that Yale's immense resources are deployed responsibly at home and around the globe."
Rhiana Gunn-Wright
Fellow, Roosevelt Institute
Co-architect of the Green New Deal
College '11
“We can’t build a green future without bold action from powerful institutions. It’s time for Yale to act boldly, and Yale Forward will make that happen.”
Fossil Free Yale
Stephen Heintz
President & CEO, Rockefeller Brothers Fund
College '74
"Climate change calls for real leadership, and Yale should be at the forefront, not a laggard. Let's move the Yale Corporation toward divestment from fossil fuels –please join me in supporting Maggie and Yale Forward."
YELA Board
Yale Environmental Law Association
Mary Evelyn Tucker
Co-founder and Co-director, Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology
Lecturer, FES & YDS
“Divestment is one of the most important moral actions of our time. To support fossil fuel companies and banks that support them is contrary to the educational mission of a university whose motto is 'light and truth.'"
Local 33 UNITE HERE!
Yale University Graduate Student Union
Aily Zhang
Former Policy Analyst, NRDC
MPP Student, Harvard Kennedy School
College '15
"Ensuring diverse voices and new perspectives are present at the table with the Yale Corporation is incredibly important as we address one of our society's greatest challenges—climate change."
Molly Shapiro
President, Yale College Democrats
College '21
"I support Yale Forward because it is time for Yale to show that young people who will be most affected by climate change are being heard and that climate change is a priority for our university."
Martin Man
Coordinator, Fossil Free Yale & Yale Endowment Justice Coalition
Architecture '19
"The Yale Corporation should better represent the values and concerns of students and alumni. This campaign can bring us closer to a responsible and transparent university leadership committed not only to light and truth, but justice and equity."
Dr. Alyssa Battistoni
Environmental Fellow, Harvard Center for the Environment
Co-author, A Planet to Win: Why We Need a Green New Deal
GSAS '19
"It is unconscionable that Yale continues to invest in fossil fuels in 2020. I fully support Yale Forward's campaign for fossil fuel divestment and endowment justice."
Yale Dramatic Association
Aliesa Bahri
Policy Director, Yale College Council (institutional affiliation for identification only)
Legislative Director, Yale College Democrats
College '22
"As an institution, Yale must become the kind of passionate and responsible leader it asks its students to be. Maggie is that type of leader, and with her dedication to inclusive governance, transparency, and justice, she will make sure Yale is too."
Meghanlata Gupta
2020 President, Association of Native Americans at Yale
Founder, IndigenizingTheNews.com
College '21
"As an Indigenous scholar and student leader on campus, I believe that it is Yale's responsibility to divest from institutions that disproportionately impact tribal and other marginalized communities. Let's vote for the health and safety of lands and people around the world!"
David Cash
Dean, University of Massachusetts Boston Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies
College '87
"At this moment in history when we face a climate justice crisis, Yale should be catalytic in its investing, moving us toward a just and sustainable energy transition."
Sam Teicher
Co-Founder & Chief Reef Officer, Coral Vita
YC '12, F&ES '15
"Yale has an opportunity and an obligation to lead its community and the world towards a healthier planet that supports a thriving and prosperous society, and Maggie can help the university take that bold step forward."
Reilly Johnson
President of the Yale Sophomore Class 19-20
College '22
“Maggie will help Yale rise to the challenge of tackling the most intersectional and immediate crisis of our time: climate change. She will be an adamant advocate, ensuring that the highest levers of power at Yale are accessible to all who love our community enough to make it more conscious, more kind, and more just.”
Kahlil Greene
1st Black Student Body President of Yale College
(institutional affiliation for identification only)
College '21
"In upholding its mission, Yale needs to look out for communities around the world. We need inclusive governance, and we need to champion our core values."
Yale Student Environmental Coalition
Miranda Massie
Director, The Climate Museum
GSAS '91
"The crux question for Yale's global leadership is now divestment. The extraordinary Maggie Thomas will guide the University toward this morally necessary decision."
Yale Law Women
Charles Decker
New Haven Board of Alders, Ward 9
M.A. '14, M.Ph. '14
"I fight because Yale needs to do more for marginalized communities on campus and in the city. Maggie will fight alongside us!"
Tony & Luke Knowles
Tony: Former Governor of Alaska, College '68
Luke: Food Systems Entrepreneur, College '05, FES' 08
"Maggie's message of reform for climate change and social justice is urgently needed by our country and Yale. She has the talent, values, and commitment to be a leader in this way forward."
Ivan Asiimwe
Technology Officer, Development Bank of Rwanda
YSPH '19, CBEY '20
"Small actions like signing up change lives, so let us jointly act. Move Yale Forward, Maggie!"
Ama Francis
Climate Law Fellow, Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
YLS '18
"Divestment is an opportunity to put our university's values to work; just as Yale showed up on the right side of history by divesting from apartheid South Africa. Maggie would be a great addition."
Gregg Gonsalves
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases, Yale School of Public Health
Associate Professor, Yale Law School
College '11, GSAS '17
"Climate change is an existential threat to humanity. Yale has a chance to be part of stopping this public health catastrophe. The university can start by taking up the challenge of Yale Forward: divest from fossil fuel companies, now."
Nathaniel Stinnett
Founder & Executive Director, Environmental Voter Project
College '98
"Alumni want to be proud of Yale, and Maggie will help make that happen by pushing for a more just, inclusive, and climate-focused university."
Dr. Leon F. Vinci
Founder & Ceo, Health Promotion Consultants
YSPH '77
"Climate is Health--Health for the planet, and for humans as well."
Andy Coe
Govt/Community Relations, Stanford Health Care (Ret.)
Captain, 1969 Yale Football team
College '70
"The voices of Maggie Thomas and Yale Forward are needed to push Yale to be a leader for climate change and racial and economic justice."
Saket Malhotra
Organizer, Asian Americans for Ethnic Studies
College '23
"Asian Americans for Ethnic Studies supports the efforts of Yale Forward, forcing Yale to take progressive action reversing the damage its investments have caused."
Ben Dormus
Director, Adventist Campus Fellowship
College '21
"Enough with the boys club; it's time for the old order of things to start passing away. We need bold, progressive university governance and that's why I support Maggie and Yale Forward."